Clarity for your life.

Get help from your Guides
Julie North is a born psychic medium, clairaudient, clairvoyant and medical intuitive.
With these gifts, Julie offers spiritual counseling and medical intuitive readings for people all over the world who seek clarity on their life path.
She translates information directly from your Guides to you, allowing you insights into positive solutions for blocked areas of your journey forward.
Classes Coming Soon!
I am excited to share that I will be offering a number of in-person and virtual classes in the coming months. These classes will offer insights into today’s changing times and empower you with information/tools to help you in your journey forward.
“At your own pace” online courses are also in the works! So be sure to subscribe to make sure you are on our list when we share updates and news.

Preparing for your reading
Preparing for a reading is less about what you can do to get ready, and more about understanding how the process works.
While there are a few things you can do, it’s the understanding that allows you to get the most out of your session.
There are several things that can apply to everyone who schedules a reading, as well as a number of other topics, which may, or may not pertain to everyone. See my “Readings FAQ” below for more details and information.
If you have questions that are not addressed here, or if you would like more clarity on any of the listed questions or the process itself, you can always contact me. It’s worth both our time to make sure that you are completely comfortable with your decision to have a reading, so don’t hesitate to reach out.
Readings FAQ
Each psychic medium’s gifts and abilities are different than anyone else’s. Though they may have similarities, each one has a unique style that works for them. Their means of receiving and delivering information, as well as what type of information they have access to, will naturally vary.
I strongly believe that each person should pick the reader that is right for them. Sometimes it’s a gut feeling, and sometimes it’s a specific service offered. No matter what the reason, make sure that your choice resonates with you.
Information can sometimes help you make that decision, so I have compiled the following “Readings FAQ”.
Though certainly not all-inclusive in their scope, these questions may aid you in determining if I am the right person for your reading and some details on what you might choose to ask during your session.
“Guides”, are sometimes called Guardian Angels, Spirits or other various names. These entities work for your Soul and help you set up, get through and overcome the experiences your Soul signed up for. These Guides are not part of the group of Souls that incarnate here in the human plane. Most, but not all, have previously been part of the incarnating group. Their job is YOU and the expansion of your Soul through experiences here in the human form. Think of them as advanced souls that are no longer incarnating on the planet the way you and I are. They have already experienced everything that being in a human body can offer them and they now expand themselves through being in service to your processes.
They know absolutely everything there is to know about you and how you got to where you currently are. They know where your present path is leading and how to change that, if needed. They are a virtual library of information for your highest good.
I’d describe them as a panel of experts in the fields that you yourself are working on. For example, if you came in to experience and learn things about relationships, one of your Guides will undoubtedly be specialized in that area. If you need to grasp the full spectrum of a particular emotion, you’ll have a Guide(s) dedicated to that area of your experience. You will also have Guides whose expertise is in the areas of your special gifts, if you chose to have any of those.
When you think about it, it’s pretty nice to know that you have an entire panel of experts, specifically skilled, just to help you on your path through life. -
“Listening in”
Generally no. Sessions are recorded though and as long as the recording comes out (which I cannot guarantee), you will have an opportunity to download that audio that you can then choose to share with whomever you wish. You are also allowed to record on your end as well.
“Can we share?”
Unfortunately, no. Each person who wishes to ask questions must schedule their own session. You can however, ask for back to back sessions so that you can talk about them together afterwards if you like.
In instances where the client needs assistance, such as elderly, hearing impaired, foreign language translations, mental acuity, and occasionally young people who have their parent’s permission to have a session, I have made allowances to having an additional person in the session to help facilitate on their end. Prior approval is required to have any additional people assisting in your session.
Each person in the session, even if they are just “listening” adds to the complexity of language that can or will be used to convey information. This means that having your friend or partner in on the session will likely alter how things are relayed to you (which you likely don’t want) and sometimes the Guides will simply NOT share some information because it’s not in the greatest good for your friend to hear. You won’t want that either.
Technically, I have to say that it’s possible, simply because there have been RARE exceptions. The vast majority of the time the answer is going to be “No she cannot be your Guide”. It’s almost unheard of for a Guide to take a physical form on Earth. They simply do not need to do that anymore. No one that you’ve known here in this lifetime on Earth will probably fall into the definition of Guide as I have learned it to mean. Only advanced souls take that position, and they are no longer incarnating. (see “Who or what are Guides” above)
Loved ones who have crossed over CAN and DO watch over us, visit us, communicate with us, help us out occasionally, give us warning and/or direction etc. They do not work in the same capacity though, as what I call Guides, even though they sometimes appear to be performing similar roles. They even show up during readings sometimes and help in varying ways. They just do not completely fit the definition of Guides. You can always ask that question during your reading though if you want to see if your loved one is one of those exceptions.
Getting a reading with me is very much like having a conversation with a trusted friend. Usually it’s clear, kind, and compassionate. Occasionally a client may have a more direct kind of “holding your feet to the fire” type of session. Those aren’t as common, but they do happen. All sessions are communicated in ways directed by your Guides, with the intention of getting your information to you in the way you will best hear it.
I get all of the information directly from your Guides. I do not use any cards or crystal balls, nor do I enter into any type of trance state in order to get this information for you.
My job is to translate, not interpret. Interpreting would have me getting involved in your information in ways that may not be accurate, so I personally stay out of it. There is no judgment before, during or after a reading. Judgment is something that does not exist on the other side and therefore does not ever enter a reading, regardless of the topic.
Though the atmosphere of a reading with me is usually fairly laid back, the information you get is not what I would call casual. It is specific and to the point. Some people call it a “no holds barred” type of reading, without the tenseness. Your Guides are always going to relay information from a place of deep love and compassion, even if it’s direct.The language used in a session is adjusted for the person getting the reading. The Guides correct my language and terminology, usually before it gets out of my mouth, so that the language used is best understood by you. It doesn’t make any sense to communicate to you in words and concepts that don’t create clarity for you and so they adjust my vocabulary for the listener.
Most people’s readings last about 45 minutes to an hour. The minimum charge is 30 minutes. Even if you booked your session initially to be a 30 or 45 minute session, the option is always available to go the full hour once we are in the session. If you believe that you may want or need longer than an hour session, please let us know when you make your appointment, and we will find you a longer time slot.
I can only translate information from your Guides as long as they have something to say. We can stop a reading at any time, for any reason you want, but I cannot make it go longer than they are willing to go. It would be unethical to “fill time” just to get you to a desired longer time frame. If you wanted 45 minutes and your Guides stop communicating at 33 minutes, then that’s where we stop. Regardless of how much time you scheduled for, you will only get charged for the time you use. Beyond the 30 minute minimum, we go on 15 minute increments until your session completes -
Sounds simple right? It is. It’s helpful though, to understand that the Guides usually start answering your question while you’re still asking it. I’m translating, and I’m always a couple of seconds behind them.
It is against the rules of my gift to keep anything that they’ve said from you. This means that if you change your mind in the middle of your question…chances are pretty good that I’m still going to have to tell you something about it. That’s just the rules they gave me, and I follow them.
As a side note, it might help you to know that I also am not allowed to make things up, stretch things out, or in other words…”time fill”.
Yes. It’s important to keep in mind that the information the Guides give during your session is not medical advice and should not be taken as diagnosis, treating or prescribing. You should always check out all health issues with your medical practitioners.
The Guides have been very insightful in helping people determine what may be happening in their bodies. They often speak to underlying issues that may need addressed in order to obtain optimal wellness or point out areas of concern that are at the root of health issues, along with potential options for forward movement and wellbeing. Sometimes the Guides will point out how multiple health issues are linked together, allowing for more effective pathways to healing.
Whether you feel in perfect health and just want a check-in, feel “off” but don’t know why, or have multiple medical issues, the Guides tend to be very helpful as you gather information to create your path to wellness.
It’s also common for the Guides to suggest alternative methods as part of a path to healing. Those suggestions are not intended to take the place of licensed medical practitioners’ directions or advice. In other words, I’m not a doctor and I don’t practice medicine… I translate what your Guides say to you.
As with all things, it’s up to you to determine what is in your highest good for your health.
Yes! It’s common for people to ask about family, friends, coworkers or others. When you ask about other people, we have what I call “limited permission”. That permission is based upon your intent behind the question, whether the person’s Soul gives permission (which is usually a yes), and whether the information serves your greatest good to know or not. You’d be surprised at how much insight the Guides will usually offer concerning others so that you can navigate a healthier path forward.
When it comes to your future, the best anyone can tell you is how it looks as of right now. The beauty of knowing how it stands at the moment is that you have an opportunity to CHOOSE something different. It’s a rare occasion for something in someone’s future to be “set in stone”. When and if one of those rare “set in stone” situations comes up, I’ll tell you. Everything else should be viewed as a probable outcome. The Guides already know whether or not you’d like that outcome and usually suggest options for changing it if it’s one you’d rather not experience (and it isn’t necessary for your highest good). Remember, sometimes we get the most growth through difficult things. Though we may need to go through something tough, we don’t have to make it miserable in order to “get it”. Guides are great at explaining to you how to get the lesson in the most efficient way.
The best that anyone can do is tell you how your future looks as of right now. In other words, your Guides can tell you what your probable future holds, as long as you stay on your current path. They usually stick to the more significant events rather than a “play by play” of your upcoming week.
The Guides also point out future events that currently look turbulent and offer direction on how to change that. Though the lessons we came to learn are already set, how we experience those lessons depends on our perspectives and the choices we make. That’s why you can change the circumstances, time frame and emotional impact of a lesson, but not usually the lesson itself. There is almost always another way to get through something that offers some relief from the difficulty of it.
We all need to learn and grow. We do not need to be completely miserable or devastated to do so. Your Guides can help you get your lessons in a more balanced way by allowing you insights to your choices, consequences and future, giving you an opportunity to make adjustments that can make your lessons easier. -
If you were talking to ME and wanting me to engage with you, I would need the backstory or context. You are not talking to me though. You’re talking to your Guides and they already know that backstory. Therefor there is no need for you to spend your session time explaining the details behind the question your asking.
In addition, everyone who gets a reading with me will hear me say “Do you understand?” and/or “Does that make sense?”. The question is merely to make sure that YOU have understood what they are saying and talking about. It is not a request for you to explain anything.
There are two reasons:
• One, you’d be paying me to listen to you… which is probably not why you came.
• Two, and most importantly, I don’t want to get in the way of your information. Let me explain. I am human, just like you, and it is human nature to take the information that you get and try to apply it to what you already know. I don’t want to risk getting in the way of your Guides clarity.
The less I know about you, the clearer your information is. It is YOUR time though, and I will not try and prevent you from doing so if you feel compelled to share things

More coming in 2025
So many new offerings are in the works, and I’m excited to share those with you in the coming months.
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